
Preventing Bad Breath in Kids

Preventing Bad Breath in Kids

Everyone gets bad breath from time to time, but how can you tell when your child's bad breath is normal or the sign of an underlying problem? There may be many different causes of bad breath, but most of the time kids' stinky breath can be fixed with proper oral hygiene routines. For help with preventing or treating bad breath in children, you may choose to seek a family dentist, in North Vernon, IN, such as Dr. Scott Terry.

What Causes Bad Breath?

There are some common causes of bad breath for kids that should not be cause for concern as they do not necessarily indicate oral health problems. These include eating smelly foods, such as garlic, onions, and cheese, or drinking acidic beverages such as orange juice and soda. Also, bad breath first thing in the morning is fairly normal and should resolve once your child brushes their teeth and eats breakfast.

Most of the time, bad breath in kids is caused by poor dental hygiene, meaning not properly brushing or flossing daily. If poor oral hygiene habits continue, it can lead to a buildup of plaque on teeth and gums that can create an increased risk of infection, cavities, or gum disease. Seeing a family dentist in North Vernon, IN, regularly may help your child to establish better oral health routines.

Other causes of bad breath in kids may be traced back to smoking and tobacco use, infection of the mouth, throat, or sinuses, or tooth decay. These situations may require professional treatment, either from your child's pediatrician or pediatric dentist.

Preventing Bad Breath in Kids

If you are concerned about your child's bad breath, consider seeking help from Dr. Terry, a family dentist in North Vernon, IN. Dr. Terry will be able to help determine the cause of their bad breath, complete a thorough cleaning, and give your child tips for better oral health to minimize the risk of bad breath in the future. If you have additional questions or would like to make a dental appointment for your child, please give Dr. Terry's office a call today at (812) 346-4500.