
Dental Implants Can Restore Your Missing Teeth

Dental Implants Can Restore Your Missing Teeth

Missing teeth getting you down? Your family dentist in North Vernon, Dr. Scott Terry, offers a fabulous solution: dental implants. Dental dental implantsimplants provide the most stable and functional tooth replacement option. Are you ready to feel better and regain your smile?

The details on dental implants
The Institute for Dental Implant Awareness says these prosthetic teeth are highly successful and long-lasting. With proper care, f you receive a titanium implant, metal post and crown, likely it will remain in place and function well for the rest of your life. In fact, patients with dental implants say their new teeth act and feel like natural teeth.

How is this possible? The secret to dental implant success is osseointegration, the process whereby the jawbone bonds to the rough-surfaced titanium screw or cylinder. A surgeon chosen by Dr. Terry puts the devices directly into the jaw bone, allows them to heal, or integrate, and then attaches the posts and crowns. The result is strong supporting bone and natural oral function. Plus, implants look like real teeth.

Can you get dental implants?
Many adults and older teens can. If your oral examination shows you have enough bone in your jaw, and if your overall health is good, Dr. Terry can proceed with the treatment. 
Even if you have substantial tooth loss, you likely can receive dental implants to support partial or full dentures. These artificial teeth are superior to traditional dentures, affording patients optimal biting and chewing, clear speech and excellent personal appearance.

Caring for your implants
Once your implants are fully integrated and their restorations complete, you care for them just as you do natural teeth. Twice daily brushing and once a day flossing are the mainstays of oral hygiene. Plus, see your North Vernon family dentist semi-annually for a cleaning and check-up.

To avoid implant failure, wear a bite guard at night if you clench your teeth. If you smoke, please see your primary care physician about ways to quit. Smokers can develop peri-implantitis, a destructive disease that undermines gum tissue and supporting bone.

Feel better...
And, get a second chance on oral health and great smile aesthetics. Call Dr. Scott Terry today to arrange an implant consultation. He'll explain the entire process and devise the treatment plan perfect for your smile. Phone (812) 346-4500.